Rules and FAQs

So here are the simple rules of this blog.
  1. If you borrow, quote or otherwise use any information from this site please site me, my blog and/or any sources I said they came from (to keep me from getting in trouble).
  2. Keep it clean.  Any post, comment, question, etc. that I feel is rude, crude, crass, vulgar, inappropriate, etc I will remove it.  Violators are subject to being banned from the site or any other punishment/corrective action that I feel is appropriate.
  3. No bashing.  Ranting and raving is fine, but do not be rude.  If you do not like someone or their work (ie. their video on youtube, or their post on environmental hazards etc.) that is fine, you are entitled to your opinion and I encourage you to speak about it.  Stating facts that show they are wrong is okay.  Stating rumors as facts or blatantly trying to make some one look bad is not okay.
  4. Keep rumors, rumors and facts, facts.  Simply put; if you do not know something for sure, just state that in your post.  If you know it to be just a rumor, great!  Feel free to post it but please state that it is a rumor and not a fact.
  5. Have fun. Need I say more?
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, drop me a line.  If you are not sure your comment is appropriate, send it to me first.  I will review it as fast as I can and send you a notification.

Thanks for reading!